Kodak Anastigmat

Some Zeiss Kodak anastigmats appear on cameras made between 1909-13 such as the No. 1A Speed Kodak. Kodak sourced lenses from a number of manufatcturers an there were some Taylor, Taylor, Hobson Ltd Cooke Kodak Anastigmat lenses as well. A smaller group of lenses of Dialyte design were also labelled as Kodak anasigmats, these were similar to the Goerz(Berlin) Celor which Kodak had used on some cameras prior to WWI. These 4 element Dialyte lenses introduced in 1914 had an aperture of f/8, the following year, the Series II lenses were introduced with apertures of f/7.7 and focal lengths of 170mm and 203mm. These lenses were in production until the late 1940's when they were coated and renamed as Ektars, the Kodak Ektar f/7.7 203mm remained in production into the 1960.