The Darkroom Experience
The World's most finest collection of vintage cameras. Each model delicately holds the innovation of history inside its lens as you capturing your future.
The Collection
Each camera in the Darkroom has been selected carefully through an expansion of time. The collection includes rare models such as Box, Folding, and Accordion Cameras. The sole collector of The Darkroom is Graphic Designer Lexi Swager who, throughout the years, has developed her skills in appraising vintage cameras.
Different Types of Cameras will be displayed here. I want to try to have a way to click through different models. So picture these words on the left of this div container, while on the right is a picture that you can click on arrows that will give you different models.
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The Canon A-1 is an advanced level single-lens reflex 35 mm film camera for use with interchangeable lenses. It was manufactured by Canon Camera K. K. in Japan from April 1978 to 1985.
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The FUJIFILM X-T1's large APS-C-sized 16M X-Trans CMOS II sensor features an original color filter array that minimizes moire and color aberrations, and also includes embedded phase detection pixels. The result is image quality that rivals a full-frame sensor.
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Vintage Kodak Vollenda 620 Film Camera, Kodak Anastigmat 105mm f4.5 Lens, Made In USA Between 1934 - 1939Eastman Kodak began selling Bausch & Lomb f6.3 Tessar lenses in Optimo shutters on Autographic cameras in 1914, in the UK and European market these were labelled as Kodak Anastigmats and the Optimo shutter renamed Velosto, they were also sold as Zeiss Kodak Anastigmats
Each Camera is selected out of a chapter in history. No two cameras are alike. To learn more about the creation and history within the collection of the Darkroom, feel free to explore out About page to learn more about film cameras and their development.