History of the Film Camera
The forerunner to the photographic camera was the camera obscura. Camera obscura (Latin for dark room) is the natural phenomenon that occurs when an image of a scene at the other side of a screen (or for instance a wall) is projected through a small hole in that screen and forms an inverted image (left to right and upside down) on a surface opposite to the opening. The oldest known record of this principle is a description by Han Chinese philosopher Mozi (ca. 470 to ca. 391 BC). Mozi correctly asserted the camera obscura image is inverted because light travels inside the camera straight lines from its source.
The Collection History
The Darkroom experience is a collection of the World's most finest collection of vintage cameras. Each model delicately holds the innovation of history inside its lens as you capturing your future.Each camera in the Darkroom collection has been selected carefully through an expansion of time. The cameras are usually found throughout antique shops around the country. They have been either randomly found or pulled from pre-existing collections of others. Each trip or vaction results in a trip to an Antique Mall or store where cameras can be found. Unfortuantely most are damaged or worn beyond repair, however, a few rare exceptions can be found.