“I Believe you!” Everyone stares to look at you. They think you’re crazy. Great.. already blew any chances of making friends this year.
The two brothers graciously smile.
Before you have a chance to say another word the loud speaker goes off with a new announcement.
“Hello Campers! Hope you all enjoyed your day so far, the bonfire starts in 10 minutes. Head down to the flag pole for some Hotdogs, Smores, and getting to know your fellow campers”.
As you get up to leave the brothers stop you. “Hey thanks for sticking up for us”, says the eldest, “Im Alex and this is my brother Tommy”. You introduce yourself “We’re going to stay in our cabins instead of go to the bonfire”, Alex says “the werewolf always attacks at night. You can come join us if you’d like’ . What do you want to do?